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Jay Ives, 出售jif媒体的创始人兼首席执行官



Jay Ives, president and founder of 出售jif媒体, is an award-winning marketer. In 2023, Ives won a spot on Forbes' 30 Under 30 list of the world's top marketers. Ives enjoys supporting high growth organizations with tailored digital solutions to maximize marketing impact. Ives is also the founder of Beat the Streets - An organization that coordinates with the Loudoun County Court system and the local juvenile detention centers to assist at-risk youth. The Beat the Streets team serves as mentors while hosting positive events each year for adolescents struggling to transition into adulthood.

Where you've been in your career and where you are going...

I have led marketing teams at some of the most iconic unicorn startups throughout Silicon Valley: Poshmark (IPO in 2021), 图钉(3美元.2亿美元的估值),甚至更多. When I saw COVID-19 crush San Francisco’s most iconic local businesses, I decided to quit my cushy 9-5 job in Tech to go full-time with my then side hustle, 出售jif媒体. I originally founded 出售jif媒体 out of high school to help my entrepreneur parents with their small businesses. 随着时间的推移,这种副业自然地发展起来. 今天, 网上赌博网站十大排行是一个20人的团队, 由屡获殊荣的营销人员组成, 数据分析师, MBA品牌战略家. Our core mission is to help empower small and medium size businesses across the country through high impact, 透明的, and data backed marketing services including: 搜索 engine optimization, 付费媒体, 网页设计, 创意服务. 我是出售jif媒体的唯一创始人和所有者. I bootstrapped the agency from the ground up, stemming from my initial investment of $1,000. 今天,我拥有公司100%的股份. In 2022 alone, we have generated +$500 Million of revenue for our clients, nationwide. We are widely considered one of the top agencies in the United States, 并因网上赌博网站十大排行的工作获得了无数奖项.

How would you capture the essence of your work in a 新闻paper headline...

VT Alum 给s the Power Back to Local Businesses with Strategic Marketing 


Virginia Tech equipped me for success by providing me with a much deeper understanding of data. 更重要的是, I learned how to communicate and visualize data in a meaningful way for stakeholders to make key decisions.

A key habit, practice, or skill that's worth the effort...



I believe a misconception about the marketing industry is that one 'fix' can solve all your problems. In result, there are agencies who are too quick to share a solution with a proper diagnosis. 类似于人类健康, a proper marketing diagnosis and prescription is the difference between life and death. 质量问题! 优秀的营销人员:倾听. 优秀的营销人员:问有质量的问题. Best Marketers: actively listen, diagnose, and then prescribe.


我的母亲. A single mom and entrepreneur who has given me everything!







The work project/initiative you're most excited about...

现在, I am most excited about leveraging all the wins in artificial intelligence (AI) to best help our clients scale their businesses. My undergraduate and Master of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics (MSBA-BA) degrees from Virginia Tech have given me the superpower of understanding data and pattern recognition at a high level. I am super passionate about finding opportunities through data. 从那里, we are able to prescribe marketing solutions with the latest and greatest AI technology (of course, 由人类指导)!


Being a member of the Virginia Tech MSBA-BA capstone team that contracted with Amdocs, 是以色列领先的软件和服务提供商. We traveled to Tel Aviv to present our work to Amdocs’ executive team. This was an invaluable opportunity to gain experience working with international clients and adapting to diverse business cultures.



Words of encouragement to a current Virginia Tech student...

Look for the intersection of service and leadership. Reverse engineer your business solutions by first understanding where you can help. 从那里, you can identify opportunities that will make a real impact...Take things one step at a time and stay true to yourself and the mission!


更经常地问,“我能帮什么忙?. It is amazing the doors this one, simple question can open :)


In the summer of 2011, I co-founded the 'Beat the Streets' organization. The organization coordinates with the Loudoun County Court system and the local juvenile detention centers to assist at-risk youth. The Beat the Streets team serves as mentors and hosts several events each year such as bowling nights, 电影之夜, and barbecues for adolescents struggling to transition into adulthood.





